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Gopro App Android Blik Calendar Widget v2.6.3 : 2.1+
Gopro App Android Blik Calendar Widget v2.6.3 : Why use a boring calendar widget when a picture better?
Blik reads and *automatically* shows picture for each event. , along start time important word from so what's coming your calendar.
a quick visual guide upcoming events. been easier to "read".
/trial Gopro App Android Blik Calendar Widget v2.6.3 comes+ pictures + keywords rules.
Gopro App Android Blik Calendar Widget v2.6.3 unlocks another 300+ keyword rules so calendar events pictures even better.
You keyword rules calendar events free/trial Gopro App Android Blik Calendar Widget v2.6.3 Gopro App Android Blik Calendar Widget v2.6.3 create keyword rules events.
Check out Settings screen under section Blik Calendar Widget v2.6.3 (like how holiday calendar).
* English now.
Keywords: calendar, agenda, birthday, holiday
Known issue(s):
> Widget appearance preview layout doesn't draw correctly ( draw correctly homescreen though).
> Facebook events may be displayed starting times. Use Blik Advanced Setting value adjust Facebook start times.
> Facebook declined events show up.
> Larger widget sizes -of-memory crashes.
---=== When DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME changes ===---
If events off hour, need it down so phone picks time change from your cell provider.
-- Important Note --
If having problems calendar events, go to http://android.joeprogrammer.com/blikhelp/synchelp.html .
What's Gopro App Android Blik Calendar Widget v2.6.3 :
> 2 new pictures added (quilting, singing)
> 1 keyword added graphic (vaccination)
> 5 pictures updated
> Gopro App Android Blik Calendar Widget v2.6.3 month layout widget preview (JB )
> Possible fix for "setting" problem
> DST message screen
> Possible fix-height row layout appearance under JB devices
full change list: http://android.joeprogrammer.com/blikrelnotes.html
Blik Calendar Widget v2.6.3 :
Blik Calendar Widget v2.6.3 :
Gopro App Android Blik Calendar Widget v2.6.3 Instructions:
Blik Calendar Widget v2.6.3 :